Phones, tablets and computers are now the way we function to communicate with others and stay up-to-date with the latest publications and broadcasts.
The Device Clinic was created to help keep your devices performing optimally and efficiently by individuals in full-time service who understand the importance of your routine.
You may not experience All of the popular symptoms, however, if you are experiencing any symptoms that prevent your device from running smoothly and efficiently, let our Device Clinic perform a Check-up to Clean-Up and Tune-Up your device or Computer.
A Clean-Up will remove culprits from your device that are using too much memory, battery power, creating pop-ups or slowing down your device. This will also help to identify if a Virus is present on your device or computer.
A Tune-Up will optimize your device to run more efficiently by speeding up slow devices, improving memory issues, increasing storage or repairing security issues on your device or computer.